Thursday, January 10, 2013

Here we go!

The date of this blog says it's January 10, but it's actually January 16. My surgery was scheduled for 1/9/13. I had to be at the hospital by 7am. I got there, checked in, and gave a urine sample. I was surprisingly calm but a little nervous. After the urine sample they sent me to a grounded room where I changed into a gown and got comfortable. They finally came and got me at around 9:45am to go get ready for surgery. I didn't have my cantact lenses or glasses so that was difficult since I am SO blind!

I got to the main pre-op room and felt kind of alone even though lots of people were walking about. This was probably because I couldn't see anything! About 3 or 4 anesthesiologists came by to ask questions, then a few nurses asked the same questions. They started my IV and supposedly gave me relaxing medicine. I didn't feel a thing so the nurse gave me a second dose. I still didn't feel a thing so I just hung out until it was time. The surgeon came by and said he'd see me in the operating room in 45 minutes. This whole process took way longer than I thought it would. They finally wheeled me into the operating room, I scooted over to the operating table, joked with the nurses, then they put an oxygen mask over my face and next thing I knew I was waking up with a really sore stomach. The recovery nurse was making me mad but I was good and didn't yell at her like I wanted to. I kept telling her it really hurt and she kept saying "yeah what'd you expect?" and things like that. They finally got me comfortable and I was taken to my room. I don't want to talk much about my hospital experience because it was quite terrifying. I believe I suffered from "hospital psychosis". You can google it. Severe confusion, dementia, hallucinations, etc. It was quite possibly the most terrifying thing of my life. I believe they over medicated me. So they took me off of the medicine I was on, I got a little better but I didn't fully come back to reality until I got home from the hospital. The pain is not bad at all. Mostly just a sore feeling! :) so far no complications at all. No nausea, not even a tiny bit. It's hard to get all my fluids in at this point. I'm not even focusing on protein, just hydration. I have my 1 week post-op visit tomorrow. I'm taking all my vitamins. I HATE the chewable vitamins!!! :)

So far so good. I don't regret my decision at all! I am so glad I finally did something. Realistically I know I would of kept ordering pizzas and pastas and cupcakes until I worked my way up to 300 pounds or so.

As of this morning I am down 13.4 pounds. :)

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